Monday, April 11, 2011

leads really bad ones

Descriptive- Ever since she was a little girl, Senior Rosalind Faires grew up taking interest in the theater.  Being on stage is amazing for Rosalind.  Getting to live out a childhood dream in real life is like living out a fantasy for her.
“The best part in acting is definitely telling the story” she said.
 “I mean basically you get to keep playing pretend even though your grown up you know? Sometimes its mundane situations and sometimes its fantastical but you are getting to live out a life that isnt yours, and you get to share it with the audience, and I think that’s thrilling”.

Direct Quote-
“Getting to live out a live that isn’t yours, and getting to share it with an audience…constantly playing pretend.”
This is Senior Rosalind Faires’s life as an actor…this is Theater.

Startling Statement-
She always knew shed be an actor, but not like this


  1. Hmmmm I like the direct quote, because it kinda adds a nice beginning.

    I like the descriptive too-- I was thinking, though, you could add just a little bit more of Rosalind's childhood love for acting. (Ex.- Did she put on plays for her family? Did she pretend to act in her free time? etc)

    Other than that, I like those two (:


  2. I think the descriptive one is the best overall although the startling statement is really good; it's just that the startling statement is a statement which I feel should be elaborated.
    If there was a little more detail to the startling statement, it'd win hands down.

  3. for the direct quote, I'm not sure but do you mean "life" instead of life?

    I like the direct quote the most because it makes me want to read what her life was like as an actor.

    Starting Statement, your going to have to finish it.


  4. Either the first or the second, it's hard to decide which. The first is more descriptive and is better, but the second is more dramatic and interesting.

  5. I think the first one is the best because it pulls be into the story and also tells me basically a back ground on your interviewee.

  6. I like how you used the quotes in number 1 and think its the best
