Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Media Kit

Below is our Media Kit. Please comment and tell us what you think :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Leads by Kiaya Skinner

Compare and Contrast Lead:
20 years ago the halls of Degrassi high were filled with less modern everyday kids, out to face the world with the help of their friends. Now As Degrassi:The next generation these teens find ways to overcome prevalent teen issues. Degrassi offers help to teens in new ways

Direct Address lead:
If your one of the many teens that struggle, or know someone who struggles, with issues such as teen pregnancy, dating violence, drug use, or teenage violence then Degrassi  is the show for you. Degrassi offers real life solutions to everyday problems, and shows the struggle of teenage life.  Teenagers can use degrassi as an optional source for information..

Rhetorical question:
How do you solve real life issue? Just ask any of the students of Degrassi. These Kids go through constant drama, facing the hard side of life. They provide reasonable solutions to how to over come issues and provide additional help sites.

Leads by Grace

Direct Address Lead- Do you feel safe letting your teen go to a live music venue alone? In Austin you can now safely assume that if you let your teen go to a live music venue on their own, they will be ok. Now that most of the 200 live music venues in Austin do not allow smoking, and are more strict about selling alcohol and checking I.D’s, these places offer a safe environment to listen to live music safely.  
Contrast and Compare- Up until recently live music venues in Austin allowed smoking, and were not always careful about serving alcohol to teenagers. Now most of the 200 venues in Austin do not allow smoking, and are very precautious about serving alcohol to teens. This makes Austin a safe environment for teens to listen to live music on their own.
Rhetorical Question-   Austin has always been considered by many, “the live music capitol of the world”, but have the live music venues, always been teen appropriate? Up until recently many people argued that teens should be accompanied when going to live shows. Now that most of the 200 live music venues in Austin do not allow smoking, and are more strict about selling alcohol and checking I.D’s, these places offer a safe environment to listen to live music safely.  
--Grace Cohran