Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wanna' take a picture with Justin Biebers Hair!?

While surfing on the web of what I can do to help Japan in their time of crisis, I saw the most bizarre thing. In order to help Japan you can take a picture with Justin Bieber’s Hair. Stone Rose which is a men’s apparel has the hair on loan from Golden Palace. The event will take place on March 29, 2011 in Miami, FL. Fans will get to take a picture of Bieber’s hair in order to raise money for the Japan relief, For the first fifty people that make a donation will receive a Justin poster. Justin Bieber’s hair was auctioned for $40,668 and gave a lock to Ellen DeGeneres for her birthday. The money from his hair that was auctioned off was donated to an animal rescue origination. Most businesses, celebrities, and major corporations are fundraising money to help victims in Japan. To take a picture with Justin Bieber’s hair is one of the weirdest yet creative ways to fund money. Justin Bieber recently cut his hair and many teens were surprised because it has become a fashion icon of Bieber fans. Justin Bieber’s hair has become popular ever since he became famous and apparently girls go crazy for it, I don’t know why.  
-Brandon Reed


  1. Ohh snap Brandon, thats so cool. But I wouldnt buy that hair, EWWWWWW. Hehe. But anyways that still cool he is trying to help out Japan and stuff. I like this blog.

  2. Gross. Who would pay thas much for old hair? It gets moldy and gross after a while. For that much money you can take a pic with the real J Biebs and skip the yuck.

    Kathy H.

  3. What a weird charity idea...The last sentence of your article made me LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLZ.

  4. Wow. That is an awesome idea. Because it's a little weird and a little ridiculous. But will make lots and lots of money. And it's funny.

    Also, it got rid of the stupid haircut.

