1. Some see graffiti as art, to the rest it's a crime. Many people express themselves through bold letters with different shapes and colors. Other sees graffiti as trash and vandalism. Therefore there is punishment for whoever expressed themselves on a train or public building.
Startling statement
2. Most graffiti artist are not teenagers or gang affiliated. Garffiti artist range from various ages. As young as 13 to 48. Accomplish artist, 35 year old Neequaye Dsain grew up in the Slough and Windsor area. He is responsible for the graffiti mural adorning the wall of Slough young People's centre.
Compare and Contrast
3. Graffiti used to cover the public buildings of trains of gang names and signs. People were disgusted to see such violent within their art. However, today there's a sudden change people you graffiti to send a message. Whether it is in politics, religion, or sexual orientation graffiti is used to express or send a message in all sorts of topics.
This is great!! :D
These are awesome!(:
I like these, but I think the startling statement was was super awesome because saying that graffiti comes from other people that aren't just distressed teens supports the idea that they are actually art, which I think is spiffy.